DISCOUNT PRICE PACKAGE: Vince Treanor – Behind The Doors & Fred Baggen – Stronger Than Dirt

Last copies available!
€57.50 €47.50


Behind The Doors — Memoirs of The Doors' Road Manager (1967-1972) (normal price)


Stronger Than Dirt — Doors biographer Fred Baggen shares in this ‘memoir fanatique’ his personal memories of being introduced to the band's music almost forty years ago, and how this would completely dominate – sometimes overshadow – his life for several decades. Bilingual edition (English & Dutch in one book) (discounted price: from € 29.99 to € 19.99)

(if you live outside Europe, please select USA / Canada / Australia etc. destination from the roll-down menu next to 'Add to cart' button)

Behind The Doors. The Story Of A Legendary Band's Road Manager (only available in English) can also be pre-ordered in the webshop of (which is a subsidiary of publisher Aldus Boek Compagnie). Aldus Boek Compagnie is run by long-time Doors connaisseur Fred Baggen, from The Netherlands, who wrote The Doors. Een vuistvol stilte in 2018 and Stronger Than Dirt in 2021.

The fixed price of Behind The Doors. The Story Of A Legendary Band's Road Manager is € 27,50 (plus € 7,50 postage and packing, for all destinations in Europe). For non-European destinations (USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / Asia / South-America / Russia and others), we have to ask € 32,50, plus the discounted € 7,50 postage and packing. More information below.

The book does not fit through the letterbox and is therefore sent as parcel post. As soon as Behind The Doors. The Story Of A Legendary Band's Road Manager is published (scheduled for early December 2022), your copy will be sent to you immediately. We strive for delivery before Christmas, but we cannot guarantee on-time delivery outside Europe.

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Stronger Than Dirt (bilingual edition: Dutch and English in one book)
In juni 2021 verscheen een bescheiden boekwerk waarin centraal staat dat Doors-zanger Jim Morrison op 3 juli 2021 alweer een halve eeuw geleden het tijdelijke voor het eeuwige verwisselde. In Stronger Than Dirt lees je wat er bekend is over Jims laatste dagen in Parijs en de mythevorming in de decennia daarna. Daarnaast is het boek een ode aan wat het kan betekenen wanneer iemand zichzelf als een ware Doors-fan beschouwt. Hoe ver, hoe diep gaat dat? Is het een hobby of een levenswijze? Is het altijd plezierig, of zitten er ook schaduwkanten aan? Openhartig als altijd vertelt schrijver en longtime Doors-connaisseur Fred Baggen over hoe hij zijn jaren als Doors-fan en verzamelaar heeft ervaren. Een heel persoonlijk, voor de liefhebber herkenbaar boek: geschreven door een fan, vanuit het oogpunt van de fan en bedoeld voor fans — ter gelegenheid van een uniek, bitter 'jubileum'. Kortom: als jij Doors- en / of Jim Morrison-fan bent, is dit boek een must-have voor in jouw boekenkast!

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In June 2021, a modest book was published focusing on the fact that Doors singer Jim Morrison exchanged the temporary for the eternal half a century ago on July 3, 2021. In Stronger Than Dirt you will read what is known about Jim's last days in Paris and the mythical status he soon achieved. In addition, the book is an ode to what it means when someone considers himself a true Doors fan. How far, how deep does it reach into someone's inner self? Is it a hobby or a way of life? Is it always enjoyable, or are there downsides? As candid as ever, writer and longtime Doors connoisseur Fred Baggen writes about how he experienced his years as a Doors fan and collector. A very personal, recognizable book: written by a fan, from a fan's point of view, meant to be read by fans — on the occasion of a unique, bitter 'anniversary'. In short: if you are a Doors and / or Jim Morrison fan, this book is a must-have for your book collection!


Behind The Doors — Memoirs of The Doors' Road Manager (1967-1972) (normal price)


Stronger Than Dirt — Doors biographer Fred Baggen shares in this ‘memoir fanatique’ his personal memories of being introduced to the band's music almost forty years ago, and how this would completely dominate – sometimes overshadow – his life for several decades. Bilingual edition (English & Dutch in one book) (discounted price: from € 29.99 to € 19.99)

(if you live outside Europe, please select USA / Canada / Australia etc. destination from the roll-down menu next to 'Add to cart' button)